One of the most important parts of development is pre-production, which is often underestimated. Properly executed, it can save a lot of time and money in the later stages of development. It is a main pillar of every project and, if done properly, can be critically beneficial
- Key Performance Indicators: ARPDAU, pU, Retention, Lifetime, Cost per install, Support cost
- Game Design Document: Setting, Core mechanic, Meta, Feature set, Balance
- User experience flow
- UI wireframes
- AERM worksheet: Acquisition, Engagement, Retention, Monetisation
- Social Design Document: Social networks, Invites, Posts, Open Graph, Fan page, Gift links, Push notifications, E-mails, Features
- Prototype plan: Core, Loop, All features set, All content
- Art style guide: Concept art, Color pallete, Fonts, UI elements, МАЧб Characters, Backgrounds, Icons, Mood board
- Technical Design Document: Technologies, Platforms and devices, App size, Memory usage, Screen resolution, Speed of work
Each of them is important for the success of the product, and we would be happy to help you pass all of them on your journey to success